Chloe Kim
Chloe Kim
Another Asian athlete to gain international attention is snowboarder Chloe Kim. In 2014 at the age of 14 she qualified for the Olympics. However, IOC rules stated that you must be 15 to participate. So, she had to wait four more years, setting the stage for her Olympic debut in her parent’s native country of South Korea.
Her father was instrumental in her success. He quit his job and filled the family car with blankets so Chloe could sleep while he drove hours to practice each day. He also used his physics background to help Chloe navigate her moves by finding the right angle and right speed for each one. She went on to capture an Olympic gold medal.
Chloe feels a strong responsibility to represent Asian Americans in everything she does. “Every time I’m stepping outside, I have to make sure I’m putting my best foot forward,” Kim explains.
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