International District
In the spring of 2023, I took a road trip along Route 66 to research and explore underrepresented communities on the iconic Mother Road. While in Albuquerque, I met with anthropologist Donatella Davanzo, who provided a detailed overview of the health of businesses along Route 66 in New Mexico. She suggested that I take a nighttime drive along Central Avenue (Route 66) in Albuquerque to gauge the vitality of the businesses by observing how many neon signs were lit.
As I drove through Central Avenue, I noticed that the International District, despite having many businesses open at night, lacked a neon sign—a symbol that is deeply tied to the identity of Route 66 and serves as an essential tool to attract customers.
Upon returning to New York City, I debriefed with the National Trust for Historic Preservation, one of the sponsors of my trip, and shared the potential to help the International District attract more customers by creating a beautiful neon sign. After weeks of discussions, we reached out to Albuquerque's mayor's office and local community groups to gain their support for the project. They were enthusiastic about the idea, and together we applied for the National Endowment for the Arts' Our Town Grant.
If awarded, the grant will allow us to engage with local artists to design and build a neon sign that will become a beacon for the International District, supporting the area's businesses and celebrating its unique cultural identity.

International District
My concept drawing for a neon sign for the International District in Albuquerque New Mexico.